Is an SEO Career Right for You?

 An SEO career is enticing to many people because it allows you to work from home and has the potential for earning a respectable income if not well above respectable. There are definitely some perks that come with the job, but this still is not the right career field for everyone.

Is an SEO Career Right for You?

Keeping Up with the Times

Keeping up with the many changes that are always happening in the SEO world is a requirement for anyone with an SEO career. If something changes or a new rule is put in place and you are unaware of it, all of your clients can be affected in the end. Your reputation as a professional rests on constantly being plugged into the changes of the industry.

Communication Skills

With an SEO career you have to work with others. The catch here is that many of those others have no clue what SEO is or how it really works. It isn't as easy as many think to please a website owner who wants to be first page on all of the SERPs in a matter of hours or days. It isn't easy to tell others why SEO has to be kept up over time even if those amazing results are achieved right up front. You have to work well with others and you have to transfer your knowledge into understandable terms others can pick up.

SEO in the Future

Before you start chasing an SEO career, think about the future of the SEO business. Many people believe that SEO as we know it today will be nonexistent in the future while others believe it will always be around. No one really knows since the world of ecommerce, marketing and optimization is changing and advancing so rapidly.

It may be a smart move to go for an SEO career while offering web design and other services. If you can do it all from setting up a functional, attractive website to optimizing it effectively, you could find yourself in more demand.

How to Get an SEO Education

If you are interested in making search engine optimization your career, you will have to invest in an SEO education. This field requires extensive working knowledge of all components of on-site and off-site optimization. You have to keep up with changes over time while understanding the historical roots of the industry. If you don't know everything that you should know, you cannot effectively optimize a site and get results for your customers.

SEO is a very results-oriented business. If you are hired to optimize a blog and you fail to get your clients ranked higher or listed higher in the SERPs, they are not likely to come back and hire you to optimize their websites. They will go with someone else who has more extensive SEO education and is able to get better results.

Getting that SEO education is the only way to ensure long term success in this business. That said, you don't necessarily need to spend the next four years sitting in a classroom learning about SEO. By the time you finished the online world would be dramatically different than it is today!

You can get your basic SEO education by reading online and learning all the basics of optimizing a set and writing optimized web content and marketing articles. To learn the more advanced SEO skills required to call yourself a professional, you can take online courses and hang out in online forums active with SEO professionals.

By spending time in those forums listening and studying the professionals and taking a good SEO course or two online, you will have the knowledge needed to start taking clients. This is how you get started doing SEO for yourself on a freelance basis.

If you want to work for a company as an in-house SEO consultant or employee, then you should go with a more formal SEO education that will give you a degree to prove you really know your stuff. Freelancing while you study will give you the experience needed to get that type of SEO job.

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