Would Our Web Designer Sell Us A Junk Design?
Junk just gathers dust Web designers are in the business of selling web designs. That is the first principle of business for a web design firm, as it is for many other types of businesses. There is nothing new here except that the whole purpose of a web site is to create business for the owner, and a site just gathering dust does not do that. No one says that a web design needs to create direct sales for any business but it must connect with the business owner's market and engage that market. If the site doesn't connect with the market it is just junk collecting dust. It may be a beautiful piece of work but it's still collecting dust. Part of this problem is our responsibility as small business owners. We didn't go to a web designer and say, "I need a web site designed for my web market." Instead, most small business owners say, "I need a web site designed for my business." Our market doesn't care about us The difference is about the focus our w...